1st Poet Laureate of Pleasanton, Ca
Charlene Villella
Charlene Villella loved nature, flora and fauna. She wrote most of her poetry covering these topics. Her teaching skills were extraordinary, teamed with patience and an intuitive nuance in finding just the right way of working with each individual.
She became my friend and then my mentor as she patiently showed me my path ahead. Nudging and supporting as I grew more competent and schooled in the craft of poetry.
When she became ill with breast cancer, our roles reversed somewhat, as I became her driver, hand to hold, and confessor during radiation, chemo and double mastectomy.
This page is for me to honor my mentor Charlene and all the love she taught.
I am not sure at what point in our relationship I read her poems and came across White Silk but finding out how much we had in common really opened me up to her. It had much to do with how far we were able to travel together and share deadly secrets.
I went on to pen several poems for Charlene and to work through the stress and anxiety we experienced while she was experiencing the demon that would that would take her down and rob me of my friend. CLB
Not unlike the newly departed
pulled along a tunnel
coming upon yesteryear’s gifted friend
hardly recognizable
in the blur of afterlife hurrah
A near perfect parallel
mimics the moment we met
unremembered acquaintance
extended your hands
an invitation to the inner circle
People that I didn’t yet recognize
whose minds move at the same
syncopated time as my own
Too timid I let them linger long
while fear’s grip
held me motionless
almost a year afterward
an aftermath of first public speak
And how you were there waiting
to open the door
hands extended once more
when the student was ready
Grief - a tsunami that rides the night
like cancer rages through her body
deftly dragging down hope
cell by cell by organ
the undertow grabs
pulls her out to sea
holds the maligned body under
while the weight of dark water
shakes loose
that which must go on
from what in time
will wash ashore
drenched in our tears
that which must go on
I wasn’t prepared to lose you
or deal with the hollow
where once you rooted
I dealt with the ravenous disease
that stalked inside under shadow
threatened to devour you whole
I came to terms with the cure
that waged great war
on your battle-fatigued frame
Witnessed salt and pepper tresses
lift out by the handfuls
leaving nothing but tufts of fuzz
When you wore shingles
like the roof of a worn out firehouse
head to toe on your left side
When your mouth and gums
swollen with pus
withered your pride
Stood by after every session
as they shot you full of pain
to heighten your white cell count
All through the cancer
its cure
the fix from the cure
and the side effects from that
loss of you loomed large
but not once did I imagine
you would move away
White Silk
I loved my grandma's hair
long white strands of silk
Braided, coiled around and
around on top of her head
Undone it fell well below her knees
i used to unbraid then brush
it until small sparks flew and she
spoke the words I dreaded to hear.
"that's enough, go bathe,
Grandpa will tuck you in"
I hated him to tuck me in
he'd do things
then make me promise not to tell
'cause if i did it would kill my Grandma
I always dreamt that I had told,
I'd rush into the kitchen every morning
to see if Grandma was dead
But she never was,
'cause i never told
until now
(c) 1994 Charlene Villella
All week
I find myself caressing breasts
as if to comfort
with a false sense of ownership
Knowing all the while tomorrow will dawn
with deadpan certainty
The peace of untried morning
broken in the shell
before it can hatch into possibility
When warm wonderful heave
of womanhood
becomes Property of Science
We traded breasts last night
passed them between us
like schoolgirls
trying on each others clothes
no words spoken
only a familiar glance
I wanted to know
what she was going through
not as a voyeur
or passive resistor
but as a card carrying member
dues paid
I wanted to feel the white-hot shock
of finding the lump
“Big as a baseball!” she said
“Oh my God, No!” I said
“In both breasts!” the doctor said
-- in both breasts!
As the second treatment begins
she is seated on a Naugahyde throne
reclines into its safety
removes her crown of the day
the bright red straw one
where the flower garden grows
Early warning does little to prepare me
for the once familiar head
sparsely covered with tufts of fine gray
that reminds me of an old teddy bear
I once carried until it fell into disrepair
Amidst banter between girlfriends
nurses who witness similar battles daily
maneuver through the room
weaving magic with wisecracks
weapons of mass destruction
ready to explain procedure process
cheer the beleaguered battleground
whenever possible
It is then I am aware
that more than being her friend
I am here to witness the war
Her face grows dark
teeth clench as armies are deposited
into the port embedded in sensitive skin
The heat of battle follows the soldiers
leaves her body all ashiver
a blanket and portable heater comfort
I have long since returned the breasts
fitting them back into perspective
Visualize the coalition of meds
like vermin-eating robots that march
then munch indiscriminately
search tirelessly
for overbred cockroach cells
that defile with decay
the once supple breasts of my mentor
Attack Attack!
Roll Call
They sit in beige Naugahyde chairs
like ladies under dryers
at a neighborhood beauty salon
Cancer patients all in a row
with their backs
against floor-to-ceiling windows
on third floor Oncology
Each individual hope silently cleaves
to the brightly colored poison
inserted into purple vein
that promises for some
their best chance
at a few more years
He lurks, a scary two-feet high,
outside the window
wrapped in his dark feathered shroud
The turkey vulture
intent darting eyes
encased in giddy red flesh
He worries the ledge back and forth
his bone-white beak
taps a beat on the glass
shopping for lunch
Comes to rest behind my friend
Cynthia L Bryant
Up Against a Brick Wall
Never have you come up against that which you could not
tough out out stubborn
like a new bottle of catsup
hung upside-down in anticipation
hit on its bottom
shake it shake it shake it
it doesn’t budge
you wait and wait
shove a butter knife up inside
watch it drain loose
does not retreat
lets you wrestle with her
until in sheer exhaustion
you see her face
take your last half breath
then separate from your container
poured forth
as Death sighs in relief
©2005 Cynthia L. Bryant
After the Party is Over
Lights are low on 3rd floor oncology
Animal Kingdom drones from the TV
mingles with soft voices
Low phantom moans
waft from rooms of the hapless
busy going through paces of dying
Voices no longer full and rich
like the four-footed folk
she holds deepest
less cruel in their pursuit of survival
than the world
she has come to know
She steals minutes, gasps breaths
sitting cross-legged, head bowed
carelessly wrapped in sheets
like Gandhi
after days of fasting
Outside the waiting room window
stand the postcard-mountains
like props in the Truman Show
“In case I don’t see ya…good afternoon,
good evening and good night”
Though She Walks Through the Valley…
Utah, a beautiful place to die,
particularly the desolate valley of the faithful
patrolled by terrible snowy peaks
pristine and judgmental
Three friends on a pilgrimage
not taken through the armed guards of winter
nor by way of the great dead lake of salt
Flew over wars in heaven and earth
buoyed by a cause
to have bedside audience
with, in her opinion,
the most unlikely of angels
in waiting
All morning
something has darted
just out of line of sight
snagged at periphery
as it shoots past
Stomach flutters a greeting
with each swoop
Even though I know
you’ve left this life
beyond my comprehension
the mind is hopeful
the heart refuses to let go
May 14, 2002 3:04pm
You always seem to find me
on days when light is bleak
No warmth to bathe weary bones
nor praise for the daily grind
I happened to look up
caught the friendly yellow flowers
just where you had placed them
on the finely sculptured postcard
though it is the words within
that pull me gently back to center
The gift that would carry me
long after you passed into the light
Cynthia Bryant